Who We Are

Welcome to our website. We are excited you stopped by! No matter where you are in life or where you have been, our desire is that you can feel loved and accepted at Turning Point. We believe organized religion is not what God wants, but that he desires individuals and families from all walks of life who are bonded together in an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. We don’t claim to be perfect; we are real people, with real problems, finding real victory through Jesus Christ. We just want to provide a comfortable place filled with real and imperfect people that are seeking answers about life and God.

At Turning Point Church, we keep Jesus at the center of EVERYTHING. By doing that, we are free to be open and honest with one another; to live life together; and to encourage, equip, and edify one another as we strive to become more Christ-like together as a group of believers.

The first thing you will notice as you visit Turning Point is that we strive to keep things comfortable, casual, fun, and relevant to life. The only thing we really take serious is Jesus and the Bible. Everything else...is pretty much fair game. You will also notice that we are a hodgepodge of individuals and families who deeply love and care for one another. We don't care about where you have been, only where you are being led. We don't care about what you have done, only about what Jesus is doing in and through you. So, we desire for people to come just as they are. No superficial "airs" needed; just real people who desire to be real with God and with one another.

Please join us for any event or service. We would love to get to know you better.